Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
- Save Time – Lessons are quick and productive so you can get back to your regular life schedule
- Save Money- With 10DaySwim you will spend much less money over a shorter time period
- Better Results- Guaranteed results for kids 36 months and older but all of our swimmers leave us with incredible results.
- Private Lessons- One-on-One instruction taught by Mario and tailored to your child’s needs
- Private pool
At minimum, a swimmer is defined by their ability to be fully submerged in a pool and then find their way to safety (i.e. the edge or the steps). Click here for more info on the 10DaySwim guarantee.
When physically able, children will further learn to climb out of the pool using elbows and knees. Your child’s swim skills will advance beyond this, only once mastered as determined by Mr. Mario (swim instructor).
- All lessons are one-on-one with Mr. Mario. Click here for more details.
Yes, we have had great success working with disabled children. However, since every child’s needs are unique, we find the most effective way to determine any limitations is through a direct conversation. Please call us at 313-432-8365 for more information.
Instruction is approximately 10 minutes a day for 10 days, held Monday thru Friday for two weeks (some holidays excluded).
The reason for this is multifaceted. First, repetition and consistency are crucial elements of learning for young children. Research shows that short, more frequent lessons result in higher retention. And secondly, most children have fairly short attention spans and will not be able to focus on the task for longer. Third, these lessons are hard work and, therefore, most swimmers are fatigued after the lessons. Equate it to a good 10 minute workout for YOU on a cardio machine.
While we encourage parents to stay and watch their child through this process, for some children (and parents) it can make the process more challenging for the first few days. While parents should remain on the premises, some prefer to “hide” around the corner and watch which is perfectly acceptable. On the last day, one parent will be encouraged to get in the pool and practice the tools necessary to reinforce the training.
Often, during the first two to three days your child may cry because they are uncomfortable in the water and out of their comfort zone. The water is a new environment for them, which makes them unsettled, but Mr. Mario is well prepared for those fears and tears and will gain your child’s trust, and by Day 4 you should see big results! Please click here for more details.
Please bring your child ready to go in their swimsuit 5 minutes prior to your allotted time slot. All they will need is a towel and a change of dry clothes. If your child is under the age of 3 or is not yet potty trained, a proper swim diaper is required. You can see the complete Prep List here. Restroom availability is limited.
We have a TWO swim diaper policy: every child that is not proficiently potty trained or is under 3 yrs-old must be in a reusable swim diaper with elastic around the legs and torso, along with a disposable swim diaper.
Water temperature will be 89-92 degrees in the cooler months and temperature appropriate in the hotter months!
We swim rain or shine. We follow federal recommended safety standards. If there is thunder or lightning then we will exit the pool and wait until the storm passes. Please plan on always coming to the lessons, unless you receive other instruction.
Should we need to cancel due to weather, we will offer a make-up date within that session.
One of the primary risks of going in the water is that you can never be totally safe, you can only be better prepared.
Learning to swim is a skill that requires practice and time to develop. With 10DaySwim we are teaching through skill retention and provide a fast progression to an end result of safer swim, but since each child is unique in age, skill and developmentally, the more your child is exposed to swimming, the more confident they will be in the water.
This is why, we will invite you, the parent, into the water on day ten to teach you the drills so you can continue to work with your child to help fine-tune and strengthen their new skills.
There is an important difference between being fearful and being apprehensive because you are not yet skilled in a new environment. 10DaySwim is not like traditional swim lessons; it is a no-nonsense program that teaches survival swim lessons. Sometimes as a parent, you make choices for your child’s safety, like sitting in a car seat, because you know they are important. The same can be said for this lifesaving skill.
Our swimmers become confident and happy once competent in their skills. Many children cannot be dragged away from the pool.
While your child’s level of advancement in a session will vary, unlike pools, open bodies of water can have unexpected water currents that can pull novice swimmers away from the safety of shore, or even under the water. Even air, water temperatures, and wind can create safety issues in an instance. Children should never be permitted to swim in or play near a natural water source without a Coast Guard approved life vest and the supervision of an adult regardless of the skill level.
This floatation device creates incorrect and ineffective posture in the water. These devices hold children in a vertical position — head up, feet down, arms out — causing them to use more of a bicycling motion in the water.
Furthermore, children who spend most of their time swimming in the pool with puddle jumpers or floaties believe they are swimming unassisted, since no one is holding them. So they come to develop the belief that they can stay above water without the help of these floatation devices.
Please see the links below for the Judah Brown Project and Parents Preventing Childhood Drowning, for an in-depth overview of the drawbacks to floaties.
The violent, splashing, waving, yelling for help that most people expect – that dramatic conditioning Hollywood television prepares us to look for – is rarely seen in real life.
Drowning is almost always a deceptively quiet event. It is swift, silent, and permanent. See the links below for more information:
Child Drowning Statistics Links:
National Drowning Prevention Alliance https://ndpa.org/
Safe Kids USA www.safekids.org/tip/swimming-safety-tips
The American Academy of Pediatrics www.aap.org/en/patient-care/drowning-prevention-and-water-safety/